Our Ministry Goal
When people affirm their baptism through the rite of confirmation or by joining a congregation as adults, the Church prays that God will "daily increase in them…the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord, the spirit of joy in [God's] presence" (Lutheran Book of Worship, p. 201).
Messiah's ministries support this prayer by offering adults a broad variety of opportunities to study the Scriptures, explore the Christian faith, and spend time in conversation with baptized peers. Our aim is a congregation of wise, Spirit-led people who will bless the world that God sends them into week after week.
Sunday Morning Studies
Messiah's Sunday morning education hour (between services, 9:50 to 10:40 am) includes two options for adults:
- Adult Education: A pastor-led class that explores a variety of topics in the course of any given year, from specific books of the Bible, to the overarching themes of Scripture, to contemporary issues of Christian faith and life. It meets in the Commons.
- The Prayer Shawl ministry, a group that meets for prayer and conversation while knitting or crocheting shawls for people who are homebound or in nursing homes. Associate in Ministry Priscilla Hinsch is a key leader. Meets in the Music Room.
Wednesday Studies
Every Wednesday at 10 am at Messiah Lutheran Church. Topics vary, though the concentration is on Biblical studies.
"Pints with Pastor"
Each Wednesday evening at 8 pm, Pastor Burce invites men of all ages to join him for informal conversation at Gunselman's Tavern, across the street from Messiah. Come as you are, and bring a friend!
G.I.F.T. - Girlfriends in Faith Together
Open to all women, this volunteer-led group meets on Friday mornings when school is in session, from 9:15 to approximately 11 a.m. The emphasis is on Bible study, usually with the aid of prepared courses that feature DVD presentations and workbooks. A new session begins in mid-January. Babies and toddlers welcome.
Faith at Work
Pr. Burce meets monthly with a group for Scripture-based discussions about the role of faith in the workplace. The venue is the Panera Restaurant in Rocky River, Center Ridge Rd. just west of Wooster.
Please feel free to contact us if you'd like more information about any of these opportunities, and make sure to check out the Messiah calendar to see when these and other groups meet next!