What are your child-care arrangements?
- For parents who want to stay with restless children, we have Sunday morning seating in a special sound-equipped room with a window that allows both parents and little ones to see what's happening inside the sanctuary.
- Our Sunday School room may also be utilized during services upon request which has various toys for young ones to use restless energy. This room is also equipped with sound from the sanctuary.
You have a big, confusing building. How do I find my way around?
- On Sunday morning there are always people willing to help! Look for the ushers in the lobby of the church sanctuary. They'll be the people handing out bulletins.
- At other times, look for somebody and ask. Don't be afraid to mention that you're visiting. Chances are very good that you'll be welcomed warmly. You won't be overwhelmed.
I am coming with someone in a wheelchair. Will there be access? Yes. First step: look for parking in the Atrium Circle (see the handicapped sign at Property Layout.) Then come through the nearest doors. You'll see an elevator which will take you to the sanctuary floor as well as the commons downstairs. Inside the church sanctuary there's a special area for wheelchairs. It's near the front facing the pulpit. Feel free to use it.
Do you have special parking for visitors?
We do. If you pull into the east driveway from Lorain Rd. you'll immediately find four parking spaces reserved for Sunday visitors. If one is open, use it! Then come in through the nearest door. (Note: on weekdays that nearest door will be locked for security reasons. We suggest you look for weekday parking closer to the main doors. See Property Layout. )
Do you have any worship aids for people with hearing or eyesight issues?
In the sanctuary, yes. If you have trouble hearing an usher will be happy to give you a hearing-assistance device that feeds our sound system directly through an earpiece. If eyesight is the issue, ask for a large-print bulletin and hymnal.
I see you have communion at most of your services. I'm not a Lutheran. May I still partake?
We teach and believe that our altar is Christ's, and so are the gifts that come from it. In Holy Communion he promises to give us his body and blood in and with the bread and wine. Are you baptized? Do you share in the sacrament at the church you usually go to? Do you trust that Christ means what he says and promises, and do you know him to be your Lord? In that case understand that his invitation to eat and drink is meant as much for you as for anybody, and feel free to partake. Then again, if the church you usually attend would frown on this, we encourage you to give that your due consideration. Let your conscience be your guide, and your faith in Christ even more
Speaking of communion, every church seems to have its peculiar habits when it comes to distributing. What are yours?
You can read about this in the day's service bulletin. Instructions appear at the point where we're ready to come forward to receive. Two things to know right away. First, we use wine, not grape juice. Second, we offer receiving of the wine using individual cups filled using a pouring chalice. This method was first used following the COVID-19 pandemic, replacing intinction and the common cup. Your best advice is to follow the lead of the people in front of you.
I notice that lots of people get mentioned in your Sunday morning prayers. How can I get somebody I know to be included?
If you can, call the church office a few days ahead of time and ask for this. Or you may visit the live stream page on our website at any time and complete the Google Form used for attendance. These prayers will be read at the next Sunday's worship service. Please note that you do not need to watch online to fill out this form.
I'd like to talk to a pastor. Is that hard to arrange?
Not at all. Our pastor would be happy to meet with you. Send an email (see Staff/Bios for an email address link), or else call and leave a voice mail message. They'll be sure to respond.
Besides worship services, what else happens at Messiah on Sundays?
During the regular season, September through May, a number of things:
- Coffee, tea, and other refreshments are served between 9:30 and 10 a.m. in area called the Fellowship Hall. An usher would be happy to point the way.
- Classes for all ages take place. There's a Sunday School offered in between services on the first and third Sunday's from 9:50 to 10:40. Our confirmation class program also takes place during this time typically. This schedule is communicated via the various Church communications. High school students meet in the Middle School. We can connect you with the Youth leader to learn their schedule and events. There are at two three offerings from adults. They include an Adult Education class and a prayer and conversation group called the Prayer Shawl Minisrtry.
I have a couple of other questions. How do I get them answered?
How can I transfer my membership to Messiah?
If you would like to join in membership at Messiah Lutheran Church, please indicate your interest on a visitor's card and a pastor will get in touch with you. You can also fill out this
form and return it to the church office. If you are ready to transfer your membership to Messiah from another Lutheran congregation, please ask them to send us your transfer certificate. If you have any additional questions, please send us an
email. New member classes are held several times throughout the year giving you an opportunity to learn more about Messiah and the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America).