Our Ministry Goal
To encourage and support senior members and friends of our congregation as they continue "in communion with the Church" to "lead godly lives until the day of Jesus Christ" (Lutheran Book of Worship, p. 121).
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
This pastor-led Bible study, while open to everyone, attracts seniors in particular, and not only from Messiah but from other churches too. It meets at 9 a.m. every Wednesday from September through May.
Ministry to the Homebound
Pastoral Assistant Deaconess Ruth Mortensen works with a team of Eucharistic ministers to ensure that Messiah's homebound members, almost all elderly, receive regular home visits with time for conversation and Holy Communion. Deaconess Ruth will visit once a month and, if desired, a Eucharistic minister will pay a second monthly visit.
Many of our homebound members also enjoy streaming worship services online.
Click here to watch live services or recent recordings!